There are approximately 30 types of bumble bees found in the Pacific Northwest. While some of these bumble bees are common, some of them are facing population decline. Protecting our native bees is important in protecting the health of our landscapes. If you enjoy seeing pollinators in your garden, consider looking into the bumble bee atlas project.
The bumble bee atlas is a citizen science project that looks to better understand where different bumblebee species are living. Understanding the distribution of bumble bees is a important first step in learning figuring out the best ways to conserve them. While we know that pollinators or in decline, it can be difficult to know exactly how severe the decline is with out data. With out data, conservation efforts are difficult. This project is looking to bridge this gap in data by connecting the community and science. By having volunteers adopt locations and conduct surveys, scientists will be able to better understand what needs to be done to help save our native bumble bees.
If conducting surveys to help support native bumblebees seems like fun consider participating. Participating is easy. Check out the Bumble Bee Atlas website for further details on what you need to participate to see if this is a good opportunity for you.
Different states have projects happening. For the Pacific Northwest region you will want to connect with the PNW Bumble Bee Atlas. To participate you will want to sign up for one of the Pacific Northwest Bumble Bee Atlas training events. There will be a training on April 15, 2023 and May 17, 2023. These events are held both virtually and in person. Once you attend a training you will sign up to adopt a location for surveying. During the summer you will then survey your selecting area a minimum of two times. This is a great project to do with kids to get them excited about pollinator conservation.